Professionally Managed Services: TRaffic Enforcement as a Service (TRaaS)
We Do the Work, You Keep Control
Since the invention of the speed camera, we have continued to develop more innovative hardware and software. The next logical step in the evolution of traffic enforcement is to provide an all-in-one turn-key solution based on our intelligent, effective, and highly secure software platform. That’s what happens when our Flux, Puls and Xilium products are combined to provide a single, comprehensive and customizable service.
We proudly introduce: TRaffic enforcement as a Service (TRaaS). This unique solution is flexible, easily scalable, software oriented and future proof. With TRaaS we will manage the entire enforcement process; from procurement and installation of the assets, to registering the violations and issuing the fine notifications. During this, you maintain full control and exclusive access and oversight into the functioning of the total system.
Flux enables data generation, through our cameras and other sensors, into Puls; our collection and data analysis software. Puls then sends the data to Xilium, which supports the entire back office. Xilium handles the violations, generates the official report, sends out the fine notification, and manages the collection process. Throughout this entire process, the customer retains complete control over and insight in the total enforcement chain. All Sensys Gatso hardware and software components are optimally harmonized with each other, so that the uptime of the complete system is maximized. The shorter the time between the violation and the receipt of the fine notification, the more effective the punitive measure is on the behavior of the traffic offender. Ultimately, this adaptation of behavior will contribute to greater road safety and save lives.
Initial investment and maintenance included
Installing and staying up-to-date with your (automated) traffic enforcement solution requires an investment. With TRaaS it’s possible to include this investment in the service agreement. This means that Sensys Gatso will cover some or all of the up-front costs. You can then settle the agreement in various ways, for instance through a percentage of the fine proceeds, allowing the investment to pay for itself over time.
With TRaaS, Sensys Gatso staff will ensure that the complete enforcement chain is functioning 24/7. Our PULS software will constantly monitor the entire system and react to any issue requiring support in order to comply with the established Service Level Agreements. To maximize uptime, regular updates and upgrades will be implemented by the Sensys Gatso staff.
Quick optimizations and innovation
It is important that the system functions optimally. Ongoing system optimizations and innovations offer advantages for you as a traffic enforcement authority. You will get up-to-date services and enjoy the benefits of the latest technology. Sensys Gatso has to offer, continuously providing an optimized and cost-effective solution. This ensures that you get a service that can be trusted and built upon in the future. All daily maintenance and management of the systems and software is taken care of by the experienced Sensys Gatso staff. This eliminates the need for you to recruit and retain staff. Also, valuable enforcement personnel can be deployed in operations that demand direct human involvement.
Process optimization
Automated enforcement, whether for speed, red-light or other violations — can only be truly effective when the violator perceives a direct correlation between committing the offence, receiving the citation and paying the penalty. This relationship is most apparent when systems are operational 24/7 and the time between the offence and the notification is kept as short as possible. Therefore, in close consultation with you, Sensys Gatso zooms in on the efficiency of the entire enforcement chain with special focus on early notification delivery since this is one of the most important ways we can jointly influence and change driving behaviour, thereby making our roads and communities safer.
More than 15 years of experience
TRaaS is not just another clever buzzword, it has already been put into practice by us. In the USA we have been supplying TRaaS to various authorities for more than 15 years with a very high level of customer satisfaction. This proven full-service model has been in use by municipal and state government clients in the United States and is ready to be rolled out across the globe. TRaffic enforcement as a Service by Sensys Gatso: We do the work, you keep control.
Managed Service (TRaaS) User Story and video:
The video and user story below provide further details on the Managed Service (TRaaS) concept of traffic enforcement, the role of Flux, Puls and Xilium, and its road safety enhancing application on the I-380 highway in Cedar Rapids, Iowa