Sensys Gatso announced a contract signed with the Swedish Transport Administration
Sensys Gatso announced a contract signed with the Swedish Transport Administration
We are very proud to have won the procurement award from the Swedish Transport Administration (Trafikverket) for new traffic-safety cameras and related installation and maintenance for the nationwide ATK program (Automated Traffic Enforcement).
What is covered in the contract signed with the Swedish Transport Administration?
“It is a long contract for speed enforcement. Delivery of the prototypes are expected to take place in 2023, after which solution deliveries are expected to start in 2024. During the first six years of the contract, the Swedish Transport Administration intends to replace existing cameras and expand the installed base. We are very proud to be selected again by the Swedish Transport Administration and to contribute to the Swedish ATK program that has helped Sweden to save approximately 20-30 lives per year”, comments Jörgen Andersson, General Manager Sweden.

What is the value of the contract?
“This is by far the biggest deal in the industry, contract value over a 12-year period is worth up to SEK 850 million including installations and TRaaS services. The delivery of traffic safety equipment, TRaaS and maintenance services are estimated to approximately SEK 400 million over the first six years. Sensys Gatso has a global footprint and Sweden is one of our largest markets after North America. Sensys Gatso has delivered traffic enforcement technology in more than 70 countries with solutions for speed, red light, school zones, and distracted driving”, comments Joris Lampe, CCO, Sensys Gatso.

Why did Sensys Gatso win?
“It turned out that we were way ahead of our competitors - we won on our market leading technology and new embedded software platform FLUX. Trafikverket had high and very specific technology requirements. FLUX is our latest advanced software platform. It manages a wide range of road side sensor types that collect traffic and violation related data. The software provides our customers a cost effective and future proof solution. The win of this contract is a quality stamp för Sensys Gatso and validates our new embedded software platform FLUX” comments Pär Degerman, CTO, Sensys Gatso.

What is the FLUX platform?
“FLUX is our new advanced sensor management platform that allows for the connection of a wide range of road side sensor types that collect traffic and violation related data. Complex data processing tasks that require increasing computing power are transferred from roadside devices to the cloud and back office. By moving decision making to a central cloud based platform, the end user as operator, in this case the Swedish Transport Administration, is able to comfortably manage the entire system”, comments Pär Degerman, CTO Sensys Gatso.
What is the Swedish policy for Vision Zero?
“Vision Zero is the Swedish policy to increase traffic safety in Sweden since 1997. You can read more about the policy here. We are very proud to be selected again and to contribute to Vision Zero in Sweden. Our vision is to be an innovator in traffic management, by providing software and services for a safer and more sustainable environment. That is why sustainability is an integrated part of our business model. We support our customers around the world in targeting several of the UN’s Sustainable Development Goals, especially those related to health, energy, economic growth, infrastructure, and cities and human settlements”, comments Joris Lampe, CCO Sensys Gatso.

What is the next step in Sweden?
“The contract is signed so now all the hard work starts. We plan to deliver the prototypes in 2023. After that, production will start and solution deliveries are expected to start in 2024. During the first six years of the contract, the Swedish Transport Administration intends to replace existing cameras and expand the installed base. The first phase is a development phase to be followed by system deliveries and consequently maintenance and calibration services”, comments Jörgen Andersson, General Manager, Sensys Gatso Sweden.
What is the technology road map?
“FLUX is Sensys Gatso’s latest advanced software platform. We will continue to roll-out FLUX to our existing customers but also be able to serve new markets. Since the FLUX software platform is independent of hardware it is flexible and ready to take on future (sensor) technologies. With sensor data reliably aggregated by FLUX we guarantee valid and trustworthy evidence as a solid basis for violations”, comments Pär Degerman, CTO Sensys Gatso.