Our press releases
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Extraordinary general meeting
Sensys Traffic (publ) has resolved to carry out a new issue of units composed of shares and warrants with pre-emptive rights for existing shareholders, pursuant to the adoption by an extraordinary general meeting of shareholders of the proposal set forth in the convening notice.
Sensys Traffic recieved order worth SEK 1.5 million from the United States
SENSYS Traffic AB (publ) has received an order for red-light enforcement systems from the United States amounting to SEK 1.5 million.
Sensys Traffic obtains order worth SEK 4 million from the United States
SENSYS Traffic AB (publ) has obtained an order for speed-monitoring systems from the United States amounting to SEK 4 million.
Update regarding Armenia
SENSYS Traffic AB (publ) has submitted an application to Armenian court for judicial review of a contract.
Sensys receives order from the Swedish Transport Administration
SENSYS Traffic AB (publ) has received an order for systems to monitor the pantographs on trains, so-called APMS (Automatic Pantograph Monitoring System), from the Swedish Transport Administration with a value of SEK 1 million.